Howdy, stranger.

Now, I bet you’ve bored yourself to death reading bios before. No finger-pointing here, it’s just that sometimes they’re a bit too, dunno, engineered. Let me try something different: I’m gonna throw in some keywords about myself and you may fill in the gaps as you see fit. Like trimming the fat, in a way. And the sugarcoating. And the third person yada-yada.

Copywriter, creative director, strategist, teacher, product design, offline, digital, Hyper-Island, CHINA, FCB, TBWA, Fjord, Razorfish, Publicis, Gyro:, Binalogue, The&Partnership, Wysiwyg*, Miami ad-school, global, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Paris, London, Zurich, Hamburg, Kiev, New York, Portland, Seagram’s Gin, Movistar, Adolfo Domínguez, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Nivea, La Quiniela, HP, Kraft Foods, Microsoft, Banco Santander, McDonald’s, Paramount Channel, Nike, Coca-Cola, Cervezas Alhambra, Cannes x2, Caples x1, Eurobest x1, FWA x1, Contagious x2, El Ojo x12, c de c (Spanish creative club) x10, El Sol x7, Effies x1, Laus x6, Inspirational x5.

But, you say. I don’t know a damn about you, you say. Life doesn’t start and stop at your convenience, you miserable piece of shit, you say. Hold up, Walter, I say. This keyword-dropping thing also works with personal stuff.

Seinfeld, Reznor, Delillo, tortilla, Lynch, Loach, Drnaso, Dre, Philip K. Dick, Philip J. Fry, Philip Glass, Thomas Mann, Methodman, Mahomes, McGrady, McNulty, Miles, Murakami, Miyazaki, Kurosawa, Ishida, Air, Chris Ware, Wilder, Waits, Waystar Royco, Cortázar, Clowes, Cuarón, Yorke, Swinton, Husdtvedt, O’Keefe, Lucía Berlín, Berghain, Bergman, Hasselblad, PT Anderson, Irving Penn, Winterbottom, Tongariro, Tarantino, Plant, Camus, Cornell, Fincher, Vedder, Foster-Wallace, Magritte, Coen brothers, Splash brothers, Marx brothers,  Saramago, Gabo, Guti, Bada bing, Linkedin.