Repeat more.
Agency: CHINA. Role: co-Creative Director.
A praise of repetition.
‘Be more old’ (‘Sé más viejo’), Adolfo Domínguez’s strategic platform, is just a different way of saying ‘use common sense’. And, yes, it’s infinitely more attention-grabbing. Anyway, it also sets a purpose for brand campaigns, as each of them portrays a simple way to use common sense in fashion and reduce waste. A piece of wisdom that any dignified elder could blurt out. In this case: if you like something [cough, cough], repeat it.
Repeat more. Need less. So simple that, from an executional standpoint, it asked for a likewise approach. Just the right visual, closeup shots of clothes waving like flags in B&W, some words about repetition, social taboos, and the not -so- talked about gender-gap, and that’s it. No models, no new collection, no music.
Repeat whatever.
Here’s the thing: when you ask everyone to wear their favorite clothing more often, there’ll be other brands. And that’s good news. Because Adolfo Domínguez’s no-fads, no-frills style fits with any clothes you throw on. Prada? Go ahead. Adidas? Why not. Levi’s? Alrighty.
As it’s easier said than done, we created social content that showed one piece by Adolfo Domínguez combined with different items from other brands.